Services - Environmental Behavior

Featured Photoreporting from al berrios & co. Albums

From July 30th through August 6th, Al Berrios visited Tom Brown Jr.'s Tracker School for an intensive week of survivalist training.

Originally planned as a vacation, it turned into a lesson in human behavior. In a first for our Reports format, experience the adventure vicariously through the lens of Al Berrios and learn a whole other side of him. (Warning, some images and comments may be offensive to some readers.)

Everyone loves the outdoors, their local parks, and their backyards. But only so long as they don't prevent them from driving their cars, deforesting lands for paper, and ruining natural habitats for real estate.

Poverty, disease, and hunger can all be traced to our irrational relationship with nature, but because the economics of understanding that relationship and its impact on organizational strategy - let alone correcting the imbalancing - doesn't work for everyone, the imbalance continues.

Today, the economics work. And with demand increasing for products and services that improve consumers' relationship with their environment, organizations are scrambling to figure out how their strategy should address this demand.

al berrios & co. endeavors to help organizations understand and plan for the impact of the environment on their constituents' behavior and deliver ideas for solutions that work for everyone and everything. Contact us today to get a fresh perspective on environmental behavior.

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- Nigg*s and Nature

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