the first of a series of reports exploring whether the purpose of
education is preparing workers for corporate environments, we explore
whether or not corporate training and universities (in the restaurant
industry) have an impact and the implication to the education students
receive prior to working in a corporate environment. Read
Every educational process
struggles to deliver the right combination of relevancy in learning and
skills to every student. But because there's no simple way to measure the effectiveness of an entire
educational process from the moment a student enters an educational system
through the time they just stop learning, there's no way to correlate
what the system delivered to whether or not the student got what they wanted
out of the system.
In this complex context, al berrios & co. attempts to quantify educational
levels and standards across your constituent population to understand
the impact of their education on that population's productivity, progress,
and direction.
This service does not attempt to validate any educational systems
or standards, but works with clients to help them understand education
as one of many influences in their constituents' overall behavior and
how that behavior impacts our client's strategic goals. We focus on policy development and strategy, parent/administrator relationship frameworks, delinquency insights, and resource planning. Contact
us to learn more about our Student Behavior service.