al berrios & co. Directories

"Unfortunately, whenever there is talk of social corruption, fingers are pointed at women. Shouldn't men be blamed for the problems, too?" - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


"Self-doubt stymies the television watcher. Go to the symphony, the opera, the theater or the ballet and you're rewarded with a feeling of cultural accomplishment; if you like the production, you feel improved, and if you dislike it, you feel superior. Either way, you've won.

"But television is not for winners. Television is for low, exhausted potato people who slouch, and for their children, who are plopped in front of it. Slouchers and ploppers, that's us — and we tend to incur the wrath of more upright types. But, in spite of that generalized scorn and the self-doubt it induces, the loser in all of us plainly can't stop watching television, partly because it affords an opportunity, in our hard-driving world, to waste time and energy flagrantly, to live profligately, to forgo winning. Moreover, great television shows capitalize on this defenseless state, allowing us to grieve, pass imaginatively into unusual mental states, laugh off anxieties, lose ourselves. Television, in fact — to give the experience a paradoxical kind of dignity — encourages us to practice the great art of losing.", Virginia Heffernan, from April 14, 2006 New York Times article, "The Evil Screen's Plot to Take Over the 2-and-Under World"


"Doctors often assume that they know what a patient wants, leading them to recommend the treatment they know best" - Dr. David E. Wennberg, president of Health Dialog Analytic Solutions, from May 29, 2006 BusinessWeek article "Medical Guesswork"


"I concluded that medicine was making decisions with an entirely different method from what we would call rational." - Dr. David Eddy, heart surgeon and health-care economist, from May 29, 2006 BusinessWeek article "Medical Guesswork"


"I'd rather be wrong living the life I chose, than be right living the life you chose for me." - Al Berrios


"Television has ruined every single thing it has touched." - Adam Walinsky, former speechwriter to Robert R. Kennedy, 1964


"I was glad I never went to business school, because it's one thing to be able to do a good quantitative analysis, which is important, but it's better to have a burning desire to get behind the numbers." - Reginald Lewis


"I'm not going to carry my race on my shoulders. If I can be helpful to others, that's fine, but I'm not going to do my work because I am a role model for all African-Americans. That's bunk. I'm not responsible for anybody's life, I'm responsible for my life. And I'm responsible for realizing my own dreams." - Reginald Lewis


"Ideas were things that had utility and possessed value in an almost mercantile sense." - Blaire S. Walker, author, "Why Should White Guys Have All The Fun?", Black Classic Press 2005 soft-cover edition, p. 65


"The resources, advantages, and powers of the American people are very great, and they have, consequently, succeeded to equally great responsibilities. It seems to have devolved upon them to test whether a government, established on the principles of human freedom, can be maintained." - Abraham Lincoln


"For what the leaders are, that, as a rule, will the men below them be." - Xenophon, 4th century B.C.


"Talent is that which is in a man's power; genius is that in whose power a man is." - James Russel Lowell, Among my Books, 1st Series, p. 356


"People have always been greedy but there has never been so many ways of being greedy." - Alan Greenspan


"The great mass of the people are interested in only three things - food, clothing, and shelter." - Martin Lomasney, "the Mahatma" of Boston's Ward Eight


"Youth is neither a crime nor a novelty." - Joseph Kennedy, 1913


"Manners are always declining." - Anonymous


"Principles distinguish the crowd from the public, the grunt from his leader." - Al Berrios


"Power is the end. What other delight is there but to enjoy the sheer sense of control?" - Washington insider referring to Joseph Kennedy, 1962,


"I am dying by inches, from not having any body to talk to about insects." - Charles Darwin


"I think the primary motive back of most gambling is the excietement of it. While gamblers naturally want to win, the majority of them derive pleasure even if they lose. The desire to win, rather than the excitement involved, seems to me to be the compelling force behind [stock] speculation." - Joseph Kennedy, 1924


"There's also a cultural mismatch: Working-class kids tend to come from schools that emphasize following orders, while Amherst values thinking outside the box." - Jan Dizard, sociology professor, Amherst College. (Ironically, Amherst prefers those with the highest SAT scores, a test that, by its very nature, tests uniformity of thinking.)


"Start the execution, stop the excuses." - Al Berrios


"Researchers submit their best work to the top journals, which can therefore afford to maintain their prestige by rejecting, not publishing, many high quality papers. That's brand creation - not science." - Thomas P. Stossel, American Cancer Society Professor at Harvard Medical School and co-director of the division of hematology at Brigham and Women's Hospital


"When a dancer comes onstage, he is not just a blank slate that the choreographer has written on. Behind him he has all the decisions he has made in life. . . . Each time, he has chosen, and in what he is onstage you see the result of those choices. You are looking at the person he is, the person who, at this point, he cannot help but be. . . . Exceptional dancers, in my experience, are also exceptional people, people with an attitude toward life, a kind of quest, and an internal quality. They know who they are, and they show this to you, willingly." - Mikhail Baryshnikov


"Equal opportunity requires equal access to knowledge." - Alan Greenspan


"Short tempers make short trips." - Al Berrios


"How do you rise up against a system that appears to provide you with your home and car, food and clothes, electricity and health-care - even when you know that the system also creates a world where twenty-four thousand people starve to death each day and millions more hate you, or at least hate the policies made by representatives you elected? How do you muster the courage to step out of line and challenge the concepts you and your neighbors have always accepted as gospel, even when you suspect that the system is ready to self-destruct?" - John Perkins, author, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", Plume, 2004, p 256.


"The great majority of crime and misery in the world arises from ignorance." - Henry Hold, editor, Jersey City Advertisers, 1838


"You are no expert in the art of leadership; most of your life has prepared you simply to be an expert in followership." - Martin Kihn, author, "House of Lies", Warner Business Books, 2005, p104


"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S.of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon." - Chris Rock


"What value experience if one neglected to acquire the ability to reflect?" - Al Berrios


"There's only one of me. If I can be myself, there's no competition." - Barbara Cook, 1950s Broadway Pop Singer


"...if you started with the premise that human genius is so widely distributed and so easy to access that it costs the taxpayers not a goddamn cent to [access] it, you would unthread the social and economic structure of this country." - John Taylor Gatto, award-winning 30-year veteran of NY-public schools, author, documentarian


"We're not a full service society anymore." - Tim Wagner, American Airlines


"Nobody cares if I make a point. They only care when I help them make theirs." - Al Berrios


"People don't learn anything the way schools teach except reflexive obedience, so their behavior can be predicted by statistical tools." - John Taylor Gatto, award-winning 30-year veteran of NY-public schools, author, documentarian


"Whales who come up and spout off get harpooned." - Henry Kravis >>


"The rap industry makes billions selling professional hostility and unfocused cynicism." - John McWhorter, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute, autor, "Winning the Ace: Beyond the Crisis in Black America"


"It is better to be dead at your own hands than be dead at the hands of someone else's management decisions." - Sergio Marchionne, CEO, Fiat Group


"There are times when advertising does a better job than traditional business models at monetizing services." - Marissa Mayer, Director of Consumer Web Products, Google, Inc.


"Customers don't envision the future, they inform the present." - Bruce Nussbaum, reviewing Idea founder's Tom Kelley's book for Business Week


"It's beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas, everywhere you go." - Anonymous, widely circulated email parody on independent prosecutor's charge on White House-CIA leak


"...the decision making in many organizations suffers because people are guided too much by experience without really understanding why something worked in the past. This gives you wrong generalizations. You need to know only what was good in the past, but also why it was good." - Reinhard Selten, Nobel-Prize winning economist


"You know what you are thinking, but you do not know why you are thinking it." - Reinhard Selten, Nobel-Prize winning economist


"Less experience can be advantageous when it forces you to think harder." - Reinhard Selten, Nobel-Prize winning economist


"Interesting thing about our society when one is advised to 'get out of the kitchen, if you can't stand the heat' instead of 'go start your own kitchen, if you don't like how I run mine.'" - Al Berrios


"You need to understand things in order to invent beyond them." - William H. Gates


"If orange juice were as expensive as champagne, people would serve it at elaborate parties." - Siegmund Warburg


"I can copy your products, but I can't copy your word of mouth." - William H. Gates


"We cannot hope to fight jobs lost to international competition without a well-trained and educated workforce." - Vern Ehlers, Congressman, Missouri (Rep)


"Am I to believe that sophisticated investors gave this person $400 million to invest? You know who P.T. Barnum was? He was right. This is amazing." - Charles E. Ramos, New york State Justice, after freezing funds of fraudulent hedge fund Bayou


"An educated consumer doesn't consume." - Alta Berrios


"Never have so many people made so much money with so little talent." - Charles T. Munger, Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway


"We think communications is very important for the transmission of information." - George Harik, director of product management, Google, commenting on the launch of Google Talk


"There is an even bigger (problem) on the horizon: the amount of money Americans are saving from their paychecks probably has no place to go but up. More money under the mattress means less money at Bed Bath & Beyond." - Justin Lahart, reporter, "If Savings Rate Rises, Retailers May Take a Hit", Wall Street Journal, August 8, 2005


"Things have become a lot more interdependent. There are a broader range of constituents." - Robert L. Nardelli, CEO, Home Depot


"You don't make economic policy for nations, you make it for people." - Edward C. Prescott, 2004 Nobel Prize winner for Economics


"There are no empirical studies that are worth much. You can do anything you want with numbers." - William Donaldson, former CEO, SEC; former CEO, Donaldson Lundgren Jenrette


"Experience is not the best teacher, it's the best hindrance." - Al Berrios


"History has frequently shown that once secrecy envelops the culture of either a company or a country, those most surprised when the truth comes out are often the insiders who created the secret in the first place." - Matthew R. Simmons, oil investment banker and author


"When gangsta rappers call themselves artists, not bad entertainers, then we are in trouble. Society seems to have developed a hatred for quality." - David Dubal, professor, Julliard School of Music, host, classical music station WQXR


"It took more courage to stay than it would have to leave" - Betsy Holden, former CEO, Kraft, on staying with the company 18 months after her demotion.


"Do people get in shape to go to the gym or do they go to the gym to get in shape?" - Al Berrios >>


"If U.S. consumers run out of storage space, the global economy is doomed." - Joseph Quinlan, chief stock-market strategist, Bank of America


"There is no great secret except time, time to develop intimacy with your subject. Somehow you have to project - through your words, your mannerisms, something in your voice - that you're trustworthy, because you're asking to be allowed to be a witness, to be present" - Bill Allard, photographer, National Geographic


"In the time since Jackson's arrest, a President's been elected, a Pope has died and been replaced, a tsunami has changed the world and Iraqis have voted. Also, consider this: Since the Jackson arrest: 1,322 Americans have died and another 11,000 have been wounded, in two armed conflicts overseas. Tonight, at long last, it is time to move on." - Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News


"The say don't put all your eggs in one basket, but here we are." - Rene Corado, egg collections manager for The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, owner of a million hermetically sealed eggs


"If there is one lesson in the market that I have learned over the years it is that 'hoping' is hopeless." - Jeff deGraaf, chief technical market analyst, Lehman Brothers Holdings


"The very nature of science is to have unresolved questions." - Prof. Sean Carroll of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


"People form their expectations on a backward-looking basis" - Jan Hatziuis, economist, Goldman Sachs


"Curiosity killed the cat is another way of saying don't question authority" - Al Berrios


"The way the consumer operates, they usually don't back away from winners until they become losers." - Joseph G. Carson, chief economist, Alliance Capital Management


"Brilliance is not the consequence of study, but interpretation" - Al Berrios


"Imagination isn't genetic" - Al Berrios


"The whole story goes by much too quickly, and then one is old, bald, and philosophic." - Paul Warburg


"During all human history until this century, the rate of social change has been very slow. So slow, that it would pass unnoticed in one person's lifetime. That's no longer so." Elizabeth Hass Edersheim, "McKinsey's Bower", p. 46, 2004 New York, (quoted from Sir Charles Snow's "The Culture and the Scientific Revolution") >>


"Justice may be elusive, but success is the best revenge." - Amy L. Wax, professor of Law, University of Pensylvania Law School in an op-ed supporting Bill Cosby's views of the "African American plight"


"Entrepreneurs react to market shifts, but for psychological reasons, they sometimes respond at a sluggish pace. 'These have relation to the strong influence of habit and the spirit of imitation; the fear of want of success in untried enterprises." - Ron Chernow quoting Alexander Hamilton, "Alexander Hamilton", The Penguin Press, New York, 2004, p.377 >>


"One thing that's very clear is that a long resume does not equal good judgment" - Senator John Edwards >>


"…rather than communicate first, ask questions later, try it the other way around" - Al Berrios >>


"The balance sheet is, at best, anecdotal." - Richard M. Rodnick >>


"Any fool can buy a company; just pay enough" - Henry Kravis >>


"Rather than comparing [war] to art we could more accurately compare it to commerce, which is also a conflict of human interests and activities" - Karl von Clausewitz >>


"Our differences make life interesting but our commonalities make up our shared humanity." - William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd president of the United States of America at the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Twentieth Annual Strategic Decisions Conference >>


"They honored me as a human being," Charles Utley, former Sharpe Health Care of San Diego patient, after receiving apology by doctor responsible for mistake during surgery >>


"I'm not concerned with employees who quit and leave; I'm concerned with employees who quit and stay" - Craig B. Clayton Sr., Chairman, Spartacus Group >>


"Unless they want to be embarrassed publicly, CEOs better be alert to what investors want." - Harvard Business School professor Jay Lorsch


"The connectivity balance sheet for Latinos is in the red." - Arthur A. Navarro, Chairman, Communications Career for Latinos, Inc. >>


"Companies generate profits from people, not products" - professor of Integrated Marketing Communications at Northwestern University Don Schultz, Ph.D >>


"[Wireless Number Portability] will be a defining event in wireless, not because it will destroy industry profitability but because it will launch the next wave in determining the winners and also rans in a hyper-competitive industry. In short, it is a concentrated 'branding event'". - Cannon Carr and Gregor Dannacher, CIBC World Markets, from Equity Research titled "Looking Beyond WLNP, Level of Sub Growth in '04 Key to Stability", November 25, 2003 >>


al berrios & co. research associate: "How do you hear or find out about the TV shows that [you] are watching?"; 18 year old female from Michigan replies: "i just hear from [friends] or just see [commercials] on tv." >>


""Forget 'branding' and 'positioning,' once you understand customer behavior, everything else falls into place." - Thomas G. Stemberg, Founder/Chairman, Staples >>


"Brand is the refuge of the ignorant." - Peter Weedfald, Senior Vice President, Strategic Marketing, Samsung Electronics at the November 6th, al berrios & co. Event, "How to Spend a Hundred Million Dollars Reaching Consumers and Other Marketing Not in Textbooks" >>


"Don't discriminate blatantly, discriminate subtly" when offering new programming to operators. - Leo Hindery, CEO of the YankeeNets Yes Network >>


"More people may be better educated these days, but they are also more insulated and naïve. Higher education tends to favor theory over judgment rather than assimilate the benefits of both. Individuals thus become less decisive and less, well, individualistic. This leads to more vacillation, interdependence on others, and consensual validation for the legitimacy of any thought and action. Unfortunately, this group dynamic follows a natural progression from peer pressure and group-think to political correctness and coercion, culminating in potential tyranny of majorities and outright totalitarianism." - Richard Reay, Letters to the Editor, Opinions, Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, August 6th, 2003. >>


"Being annoying does not necessarily translate into bad advertising. Door-to-door salespeople are pretty intrusive. Just because it's intrusive doesn't mean it can't be effective." David Croson, visiting professor of digital strategy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a researcher at MIT's Center for eBusiness speaking about Pop-ups >>


"I think this anti-Trust fever is a craze." - Paul Babcok to John D. Rockefeller, Sr. >>


""Entertainment 'Is Core To The Growth of Human Beings Emotionally, But It's Not Food, Clothing, or Shelter.'" - Mark Shimmel, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Artist Relations, Arista Records >>


"It is very important to remember what other people tell you, not so much what you yourself already know." - John D. Rockefeller, Sr. >>


"I don't think we have local competition in place in a substantially meaningful way yet," said Chairman Michael Powell explaining his views on the telecom [and most other] marketplace(s) at a conference denying rumors of his resigning his post at the FCC. >>


"Searching isn't a Web sideline -- it's the Web's strategic heart." Mylene Mangalindan, Nick Wingfield and Robert A. Guth, "Rising Clout of Google Prompts Rush by Internet Rivals to Adapt", Wall Street Journal, July 16, 2003 >>


"People would not be so elitist if they owned the company. If you're only publishing for an elite audience, you might be invited to more parties, but you will not sell many books," Gina Centrello, president and publisher, Random House Publishing Group. >>


"While some have argued that public relations represents a 'two-way street' through which institutions and the public carry on a democratic dialog, the public's role within that alleged dialog is, most often, one of having its blood pressure monitored, its temperature taken," Dr. Stuart Ewen, "PR! A Social History Of Spin", Basic Books, 1996 >>


"If you are inconsistent in your feelings, you will lose dignity and trust." - Wang Xi, The Art of War >>


"How can anyone expect logic and reason to replace the relationships that guide our behavior?" - Al Berrios >>


"With a stock, its value is generally dependent upon investors' collective perceptions of the future." - Michael Milken, in an interview discussing why bonds are better, in 1970 >>


"CSDs are no longer carbonated soft drink companies, but total refreshment beverage companies." - Mike McGrath, President, Dr. Pepper/7up, explaining the positioning his industry has adopted in order to continue to grow. >>


"The FCC has been flooded with nearly 500,000 cards and letters opposing deregulation, but the nation's broadcasters have been able to press their views personally in over 70 face-to-face meetings with FCC officials since September, according to a new study by the Center for Public Integrity; officials saw public-interest groups five times in same period." - Mark Wingfield for Dow Jones Newswires in "Bear Stearns Analyst Helps FCC Reshape Ownership Rules" published June 2, 2003 >>


"Sometimes when we see very pointed political or parochial programming, it gets attacked as unfair. I see some of the same people who claim they want diversity go crazy when Rush Limbaugh exists. They love diversity, but somehow we should run Howard Stern off the planet. If it has a point of view, then it becomes accused of bias, and then we have policies like the fairness doctrine, which seems to me like the antithesis of what I thought those people cared about. So when somebody is pointed and opinionated, we do all this stuff in the name of journalistic fairness and integrity or whatever, to make them balance it out." - Chairman Michael Powell in an interview of New Yorker reporter Nicholas Lemann >>


"You want people to have confidence in your currency. You want them to see the currency as a good medium of exchange. You want it to be something people are willing to hold." - Treasury Secretary John Snow redefining U.S. policy on how the value of dollar will be gauged in the Bush administration. >>


"for if one considers everything well, one will find something appears to be virtue, which if pursued would be one's ruin, and something else appears to be vice, which if pursued results in one's security and well-being." - Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince >>


"The nature of peoples is variable; and it is easy to persuade them of something, but difficult to keep them in that persuasion." Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince >>


"With all of the information and data available at our fingertips, why does perception still play a role in the value of a stock or company?" Al Berrios, asked to John Steele Gordon after hearing his lecture on his book reviewing the last 200 years of Wall Street >>


"Talk with them, not down to them" - James Schroer, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, DaimlyerChrysler's Chrysler Group talking about the best strategy when communicating with consumers at a Television Advertising Bureau conference forum (and validating the al berrios & co. business model) >>


"Empire comes with a price, but has the potential for [huge] financial rewards" - Professor Niall Ferguson, speaking at NYU Stern Office of Alumni Affairs Lecture on his new book Empire >>


"Attorneys General are our business partners." - Martin Broughton, Chairman, British American Tobacco at the CSFB Global Beverage & Tobacco Conference 2003 >>


"In a congregation of flashing fireflies, every one is continually sending and receiving signals, shifting the rhythms of others and being shifted by them in turn. Out of the hubbub, sync somehow emerges spontaneously." - Dr. Steven H. Strogatz, Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University from his book "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order" >>


"Why would you trust a guy named Grubman?" - Jeffrey Rudman, Chair, Corporate and Securities Litigation Group, Hale & Dorr discussing corporate governance >>


"Americans understand the costs of conflict because we have paid them in the past. War has no certainty except the certainty of sacrifice." - President George W. Bush, Presidential Address, March 17, 2003 >>


"I want to tell you, the cheaper one sets the price, the more passengers there will be, and the greater will be the profit one stands to make. I am certain that in twenty years' time there won't be a single Postmaster left in the world, and people will only travel by train… I am in love with the railway" - James de Rothschild, June 1836 >>


"We employ college kids part time that we can pay less." - Seth Johnson, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Abercrombie + Fitch >>


"I've been here for 2 and half years and it's my first dot com experience and being in the dept that I'm in, I always get the first scoop in news and I feel like I'm part of the action, like I can make or break the company." - source: full time employee, >>


"It took cable 20 years to finally figure out what business they were in." - Louis Chunovic, Senior Editor, Electronic Media >>


As defined by the Commodities Exchange Act, a commodity is "all ... goods and articles ... and all services, rights, and interests in which contracts for future delivery are presently or in the future dealt in." >>


"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil A. Armstrong >>


"A lot of physicians think Columbia University is not very competent at running [medical] practices," - Dr. Henry Lodge, a Columbia internist who represents 500 doctors who belong to the school's society of practitioners. >>


"As a general rule, we don't believe the way to introduce new technologies is to have it mandated," said Ford spokeswoman Sara Tatchio. "We believe it should be customer driven" -- in response to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announcing to consumers that, based on their most recent study, SUVs are the most dangerous class of vehicles and should not be bought. >>


"There is no adequate pop cultural backlash against the marketplace's excesses of the past few years, so everyone's looking to the past to give us something purer, more innovative and less marketing department driven." - Maureen Tkacik, staff reporter of The Wall Street Journal. >>


"Read a book." - Mayor Michael Bloomberg, when asked about his administration's position on rising New York City cable bills during his weekly radio address. >>


"We have already seen that it was common practice for European politicians of the period (1820s) to accept favours - ranging from investment tips to outright bribes - from bankers." Ferguson, Niall, The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets 1798 - 1848, Penguin Books, 1998, p. 153. >>


"This economy breeds opportunity." Katherine Legatos, Market Development Director, Victoria Secret Beauty, when asked about her thoughts on the state of the current economy at the al berrios & co. Executive ConsumerFocus Panel >>


"It seems to me universally obvious that this current model will crumble," says FCC Chairman Michael Powell [on the state of government regulation of airwave spectrum.] >>


Ken Auletta, Communications Columnist, The New Yorker, interviewing Richard Parsons, CEO, AOL Time Warner: "What do you tell an executive that comes to you about their worthless stock options?" Parsons: "Get over it." >>


"The [Comcast/AT&T] merger would 'pose no substantial public interest harm,' said Ken Ferree, chief of the Media Bureau [for the FCC]. 'It doesn't create problems.'" >>


"Despite the loss of about two million jobs, the steep fall in the stock market and the Sept. 11 attacks, household spending has defied the traditional pattern and grown every quarter since the recession began." - David Leonhardt and Floyd Norris, New York Times reporters >>


"We can't outlaw rude people," [Travis Larson, spokesman for the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association] says. "We can only hope to educate them." >>


"The future ain't what it used to be" - Yogi Berra >>


"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind..." - William Shakespeare >>


"By working messages through both the Internet and other media, word-of-mouth buzz can be 'diffused faster and in real time,' said [Dr. Joseph Pilotta, a professor of communications at Ohio State University and vice president of research at BIG-research]. 'Word of mouth just doesn't come out of thin air. It can be created and produced by simultaneous media experiences.' >>


"There may not be anything profound on Headline News, but we give you the news real fast" - Rolando Santos, general manager, CNN Headline News, in explaining his strategy to reach more youth. >>


"I am a happy employee in a great job at a company I care deeply about." - Peter Chernin, President, News Corp. >>


"It's a perverse element of human behavior that, the more we move into unpredictable territory, the more we cling to that which we know and we resist that which we don't. That applies to an ... executive allocating his precious media dollars" - Ted Nelson, a managing partner and director of brand planning at Mullen >>


"The amount of television and the proliferation of television channels is lessening the importance of television advertising over time." - Representative Richard A. Gephardt, Missouri, Democrat, House minority leader >>


"Nevertheless, we are alarmed by the continuing deterioration of the TV environment caused by the increasing number of distracting elements present in prime time." - Debbie Solomon, senior partner, group research director, MindShare >>


"The prevalence of pornographic Web sites and e-mails is a lot more than an insult to common decency; It's an increasing reason to keep kids and families off the Internet." - Peter Chernin, president, NewsCorp >>


"The secret to life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made." - Groucho Marx, Aug. 19, 1977 >>


"Just give me the light and pass the joint" - Sean Paul, reggae/dancehall music artist >>


"Tough times for accountants. Today, on the way to work, I saw a guy standing next to a freeway on-ramp holding a sign that said 'Will make two plus two equal five for food.'" - Steve Voldseth >>


"Did you authorize ONLY $25 million on marketing a minority artist recently? Yes!? You're racist." - Al Berrios being sarcastic on Michael Jackson's accusation against his record label >>


"Mr. Ebbers, how much is two plus two?". "My counsel has advised me to not answer that question." - Al Berrios' guess of a possible transcript during the Worldcom Congressional Hearings >>


"I pledge allegiance to Worldcom of Clinton, Mississippi, for which they hid, one capital charge, under Bernie" - alternative suggestion to pledge of allegiance by Al Berrios >>


"When did ignorance become a point of view?" - Dilbert >>


"When did a promotion to CEO become the signal that you're going to get canned?" - Al Berrios >>


"Due to rising costs, all [wishing well] wishes are now two dollars." - Jim Unger, Herman >>


"is it just me, or does Eliot remind you of a young Rudy?" - Al Berrios >>


"He who laughs last, thinks slowest." - The Jacobyte 17-Apr-02 >>


"It's an odd thing, Mr. Ireton. Every man who wages war believes God is on his side. I'll warrant God should often wonder who is on his." - Oliver Cromwell, From Cromwell (1970) >>


"If youre going through hell, keep going" - Winston Churchill >>


"A great brand is a promise, a compact with a customer about quality, reliability, innovation, and even community. And while the concept of brand is intangible, brand equity is far from it." - Stephen B. Shepard, Editor-in-Chief, BusinessWeek. >>


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